Presbytery of Northern Kansas
The mission of the Presbytery of Northern Kansas is to assist, support, equip, and challenge congregations to be disciples, and to make disciples for Jesus Christ

Hey Students, Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, Pastors... click HERE to get to the Virtual Children's or Youth Education videos.
Check out the updated Pentecost Resources!

2025 Session Record Review
Events Announcement & Checklist
To: Clerks and Moderators of Sessions:​
2024 session records will be reviewed at four area meetings across the Presbytery in March and April. If you are serving as a clerk of session, you are asked to come with your Session minutes and church register on the Saturday that is most convenient for you. If you are not able to attend yourself, we ask that you arrange to send your records to one of these meetings so that they may be reviewed. (You could send them with another session member, with your pastor or the moderator of your session, or the clerk of a nearby church.) All meetings will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end by noon.
Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2025
As If We Were Dreaming
When: July 27-August 1, 2025 (includes travel by bus with Heartland Presbytery Youth)
Where: Louisville, KY
Who: Entering Highschool Freshmen through Graduated Seniors + Adult Sponsors
Estimated Cost: $600 per person if 2 to a room | $450 per person if 4 to a room
(This includes event registration, transportation & lodging and may require adjustment)
More information, registration materials, and information about scholarships will be available soon!